> [!bug] <small>This is a sub-page of [[Obsidian|Obsidian Bugs & Wishes]]</small>. The following embed **<span style="font-weight:bold; color:#00b050">only works on Windows or Android</span>** (both within Obsidian and on the Obsidian Publish site when viewed in any browser), but **<span style="font-weight:bold; color:#c00000">doesn’t work on any iPad</span>** (neither within Obsidian nor on the Obsidian Publish site when viewed in any browser); it’s possible it also doesn’t work on macOS (I have no way to check). <audio src="https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/w0kp07tdxuvk170po7165/DV-2023-12-29-174727.mp3?rlkey=27r0y0c0qbuuxspllir1n1hz2&dl=1" controls></audio> As opposed to the following *internal* audio recording (made within Obsidian) embed that works everywhere: ![[test_recording-internal.webm]] #### Update (2024-01-01) Further testing showed that the bug could be even worse than as previously stated above. A couple of days later, *neither* of the two recordings works for me (and others) on iOS (various browsers tested on 3 various iPads), whereas *both* recordings work flawlessly both on Android and on Windows. In short, it appears to be a severe iOS (and macOS?) bug. ### Ideal solution/use scenario for me 1. I have 2 terabytes of space available in Dropbox, so it makes sense to store my audio recordings in Drobpox rather than in the limited space available in my Obsidian Sync/Publish account. 2. So, I would prefer if, after pressing the audio Record button in Obsidian, the recording would be created but instead of storing it in my Obsidian vault, it should be automatically uploaded to Dropbox (to the Dropbox folder specified by me). 3. It should be possible to **customize the quality of audio recordings**. - I prefer `.mp3` files of *lower* quality, instead of the `.webm` files currently used in Obsidian: their *quality* and *size* is too/unnecessarily high for my needs. 4. The link to that external Dropbox audio recording should be automatically embedded in the current Obsidian note, so that the recording could be played directly when viewing the note on the web. 5. The audio embed should work flawlessly on *all platforms*, *all devices* and in *all browsers*. - It currently (as of 2024-01-01) only works on Windows and Android, but not on iOS devices (possibly not on macOS, either). ###### <span style="color:#d2b48c">External links to this page</span> - [Obsidian Forum](https://forum.obsidian.md/t/newbie-user-long-time-dynalist-user-obsidian-first-impressions/73936) post - Obsidian [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/18v2jp1/newbie_user_longtime_dynalist_user_obsidian_first) post